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This semester is going to be full of crazy things... firstly I HAVE MY FIRST PRAC THIS SEM!! Secondly, we are diving into the world of pedagogies and philosophies in all subjects which are going to be fun!! I am also actively trying to observe in schools and get my foot in the door at a few schools just to get a real-world view of what is happening in schools as I feel not all our lecturers and seminar leaders are actually aware of just how bad it could be.

Last week I was lucky enough to observe the teachers at Illawarra Grammar School (TIGS) and saw some amazing things there! It was the first week of term 2 and honestly a bit refreshing to see familiar values, teaching strategies and general schooling as I also attended an independent Grammar School. The day was amazing and I learnt a few things and even got offered to do my Practicals there is an option with USYD...

Anyway, I'm gonna be honest, I will try to keep a weekly log but I'm not going to be posting weekly - instead keeping a word document so I can add and change posts without them going out of order as I found last semester!! So whoever is marking this please don't mark me down cause I posted it all in one go!! :)


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