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Holy heck what an evening! Not only having the opportunity to be involved but the amount of talent that I saw last night was amazing! There were amazing vide edits of one people choirs, and hiking, to amazing live performances of original works or looping projects and even a year 12 Physics demonstration on Sine Waves! Not many people came in person but the live stream was going off and it would not have been possible without the work of the AV team and Dr James Humberstone!

So what about me you ask? I was on a table all night (see below) and had the chance to pitch my project to the stream and people in the room. I basically explained my website and what was involved within the 3 mini tutorials, 3 lessons and 6 songs. I also had on the table a few of the resources I designed specifically for this project for people to look at. Within my interview I also touched on how the steel pan is a perfect starting instrument as you don’t have to know a lick of music theory to be able to play it and only need to know where middle C is and a few formulas. I also went on to explain how I use the boomwhacker and handbell colouring system to begin to teach students and then expand that onto western notation.

I had a lot of interactions, people scanning my QR code or asking for my website and playing the steel pan. I even got asked during the interview by people both in Australia and Internationally to play Under the Sea!

Anyway I am trying to get access to the interview to share with you guys and below are some pictures of the night!

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Jun 20, 2022

It was such a great centrepiece to the presentations on the night!

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